Kevin Mulcahy

Kevin Mulcahy teaches entrepreneurship, innovation and financing growth. He currently specializes in delivering workshops and teaching classes for scale up programs globally. He has previously taught entrepreneurship and new venture creation courses for undergraduate and MBA level students.  Kevin’s principal area of research is on the trends that shape the future of work. Kevin is a partner with Future Workplace and the cohost of The Future Workplace Network, a membership community for senior HR executives. He delivers corporate workshops on “future proofing” business and HR strategies. Kevin is co-author of “The Future Workplace Experience” (McGraw Hill).

Kevin has served as the practice head of a research consulting firm, in several executive roles at Sprint and as the CEO of an international telecom business. He has taught at Babson College and coached on leadership effectiveness on Executive Education programs at the Harvard Business School. He has been active on the boards of small companies in Japan, Ireland and the US. He received his BA degree in Management Science from Trinity College in Dublin and his MBA from Boston College.

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